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Do Your Thoughts Rule You?

  “We demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”   — 2 Corinthians 10:5       I hear voices in my head. I hear them often. News flash—we ALL do! Our minds are filled with voices–thoughts—constantly competing for attention.

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When the Party Ends

  Is this you? When being asked about resolutions for the new year, one person responded with: “I don’t call them New Year resolutions . . . I prefer ‘casual promises to myself I’m under no obligation to fulfill’.”

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Keeping Calm Amid the Chaos

Tis the season. Nativity scenes, light displays, joyous music, festive events. Christmas! Tis also the season of tangled strands of lights, time-consuming decorating, endless baking, tedious shopping, frantic gift wrapping, and attempts to squeeze gatherings onto limited blocks of space on the calendar. How can we keep calm amid all this chaos? In the middle

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Why We’re Better Together

IT’S COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON! Technically, the season’s almost over, but football games have been abounding in my living room for the past few months. You’d hardly even know there were any other programs on television. (In my defense, I married into college football fandom.) Since this is my husband’s favorite time of year, I’ve adopted

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Spooky Secrets About Our Insecurities

Is it your reflection in the mirror? A personality trait? A physical feature? A hidden flaw you desperately keep from being exposed? What is your insecurity? There are a few spooky secrets about our insecurities. First, they are common. Many of us struggle with feelings of inadequacy. We feel ill-qualified to accomplish certain tasks. We

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Hello and welcome. I love words, people, and coffee! I’m an author and speaker with a passion to help you hear God’s whispers above the roar of the world. Come, sit for a spell . . . I’ll put the coffee on.

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